The Very Inspiring Blogger Award Nominations


First of all I would like to thank Life of Mon❤ for The nomination. Check out her blog, it’s amazing!

The rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award
  • Add the logo to your post
  • Nominate ten bloggers you admire and inform them of the nomination

My nominees for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award;

  1. Redhead Reflections
  2. Asura
  3. The Parrot on the Power lines
  4. Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  6. Light Words
  7. Avoiding Neverland

PS. I have three more to fill in, as soon as I have an idea I’ll add! 🙂

Happy blogging 🙂

4 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award Nominations

  1. luismgoncalves14 says:

    Thank you so much 😀 Really unexpected..
    Unfortunately I don’t follow nearly enough Blogs to come up with a list of my own xD atm I follow 3 people and sometimes explore a bit. So in a list you’d probably be number one and the only one :p I’m very new to this whole blogging thing


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